ISO (Insurance Services Office) through its PPC (Public Protection Classification) help
establish appropriate fire insurance premiums for residential and commercial properties.
Insurance companies need reliable up-to-date information about a community's fire
protection services.
ISO collects information on municipal fire-protection efforts in communities throughout the
United States. In each of those communities, ISO analyzes the relevant data using its Fire
Suppression Rating Schedule. It then assigns a Public Protection Classification from 1 to
10. Class 1 represents exemplary public protection, and Class 10 indicates that the area's
fire-suppression program doesn't meet ISO's minimum criteria. ISO develops a split
classification. The first class applies to properties withing five road miles of a fire station
and within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant. The second class applies to properties within five
road miles of a fire station but beyond 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant.
To determine a community's Public Protection Classification, ISO conducts a field survey.
Expert ISO staff visit the community to observe and evaluate features of the fire-protection
systems. Using a manual called the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule, ISO objectively
evaluates three major areas:
1) The Fire Department
A review of the fire department accounts for 50% of the total classification. ISO
focuses on a fire departments first-alarm response and initial attack to minimize
potential loss. Here, ISO reviews such items as engine companies, ladder or service
companies, Distribution of fire stations and fire companies, equipment carried on
apparatus, ;umping capacity, reserve apparatus, department personnel, and training.
2) The Water Supply
A review of the water-supply system accounts for 40% of the total classification. ISO
reviews the water supply a community uses to determine the adequacy for
fire-suppression purposes. It also considers hydrant size, type, and installation, as
well as the inspection frequency and condition of fire hydrants.
3) Fire Alarm & Communications Systems
A review of the fire alarm system accounts for 10% of the total classification. The
review focuses on the community's facilities and support for handling and
dispatching fire alarms.
The New Deal Fire Volunteer Fire Department was inspected on June 9, 2009, as of May 1,
2010 , our classification moved from a 9 down to a Class 5. At this time you are able to
review and download our classification. Thank You for continued support
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